Faith from Ford

 Henry Ford is quoted for having said "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't — you're right"

This speaks about faith - "confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1 NIV) 

Faith does something. Many things can only be achieved if you believe they can. I've practiced a bit of parkour in my time, and while some of it requires strength and skill, much of it depends on your mindset. If I don't believe I can make a jump, my entire body fights against me trying to do that jump because it will hurt if I fail - and therefore I am unable to do the jump. But if I know I can do it, my body performs at its best, and making the jump is not a problem.

So what does it take to build such faith? To return to my parkour analogy, it's about starting small. Take a small jump that you know you can do. Then make the jump a little bigger. Then step for step increase until you are back where you started. 

So what has changed? It might only take 10 minutes of progression to get there, so your strength is the same as before - if anything you're only more worn out. Your technique has not improved much in 10 minutes either. But your mindset has changed from "I don't know if I can make it" to "I know I can do it". And you can.

So if you want to achieve something big - if you want to stretch your faith in some meaningful way but you just don't think you can do it - then start small. Very small. Do that. Then make it a bit harder. Repeat that enough, and eventually you end up back where you started. 

Only now you know you can. 


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